Online Website Awards
Purpose: We know that building a website takes countless hours
of time. Just when you thought the site is finish, you find mad errors
when it is uploaded. We understand the frustration of creating a website
and double-checking it a million times to make sure it is all working
properly. That is why we are offering these awards, in honor of the creativity,
dedication, hard work, and heart that goes into designing and maintaining
an Asian website.
For non-Asian websites, please visit the following sites:
- 123Designing
Website Excellence Awards
- AceWholesale
Business Awards Center (business sites only)
- 4idols Celebrity
Web Site Excellence Award (celebrities related sites only)
Award: AsiaFinest's Website Excellence Award is granted to online
web sites that has great content, design, and originality. There are 3
ranks to our award, Gold (90+), Silver (80-89), and Bronze (65-79). The
award will be based on the points from three main categories, Content
(50%), Design (30%), and Originality (20%).
Content: The content of a web site is the main reason a customer
or visitor will buy your product, use your service, and return to your
- Must be Asia or Asian related.
- Must have a privacy statement clearly posted if visitors information
are collected.
- If the site process orders online, then it must be secure!
- Contact information should be easy to find.
- Racist, demeaning, illegal content, and "Get Rich Quick"
scheme sites will not be accepted as nominees.
Design: The first thing visitors will notice is the layout of the
site. A website should leave a positive first impression The overall presentation
of the site should make the visitor want to come back.
- Site must be well organized and easy to navigate and each page should
have reasonable load times.
- Must contain NO broken/dead links, missing graphics or any pages
which are "under construction".
- Photos should be optimized for improved site performance.
Originality: The more original your site is, the better you'll
score. Sites that use common templates design, or common content such
as Dragonball Z gallery, will not score high in this category.
To submit your web site to us. Please email us with the subject title
AsiaFinest Web Site Award at
with your website name, URL, and description. Due to the amount of submissions
that we receive, it may take up to two weeks before getting a reply.