hello to Noonoo the dog. He meets MashiMaro in Episode 5: Present. Noonoo
stands on ice, looking at his toy in an icy-cold water hole. Suddenly,
MashiMaro comes along, being driven by Boogaloo in a "sleigh,"
wearing a Santa Hat, and throws canfetti. He sees Noonoo crying, and asks
him what's wrong. Noonoo points to his toy in the icy water. MashiMaro
takes out a bone, Noonoo says he doesn't want it. MashiMaro takes out
a bottle, Noonoo says he doesn't want it. MashiMaro takes out money (which
was by the way, stolen), Noonoo says he doesn't want it. MashiMaro get's
mad. He turns around, and gets his booty to look like Noonoo's toy. In
the end, Noonoo is left with a leaf which hanged from MashiMaro's booty.
Be sure to check out our cute Mashimaro